Synsip offers you a complete range of products for your internal communication needs: IP radios, applications/software for personnel management, and Push-To-Talk smartphones
Radio IP
IP radios allow you to enjoy the benefits of traditional walkie-talkies, but these operate through the 3G or 4G mobile network. As a result, you have no limitations on range, and there is no licensing requirement from IBPT
The smartphones we offer are designed for field use. They are rugged and submersible, equipped with a Push-To-Talk (PTT) button. This allows you to combine the advantages of IP radio with a standard Android system.
Mobile Radio
Mobile radios are ideal for employees who are frequently on the move in vehicles and need to communicate quickly with other team members on the road and/or at the office.
The dispatcher is a personnel management program that enables you to geolocate the entire team and communicate with them.
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